1. Working from home isn’t so crowded
Between school at home taking place in the living room, partners working at the kitchen table, and dogs barking during video meetings, it’s hard to be as productive as we’d like. We’re longing for a day when kids actually leave the house at 8AM and don’t return until 3PM. They get home, grab a snack and then it’s off to soccer or karate. We can’t wait until we don’t have to flip a coin to decide who works in the “office” (aka converted living room with a desk) and who is working in the other office (aka what was formerly a walk-in closet.) Can you imagine how much you will be able to get done when you’re not slicing carrots, troubleshooting Zoom tech, and refereeing arguments every 45 minutes? A heroic amount of work.
2. We can all go on a real trip
Yes, we’re talking about a vacation that is not just walking a new street in your neighborhood. And also a trip that’s not a terrifying race through the supermarket covered in hand sanitizer.. Imagine a trip where you can sit in a plane (remember those?!), take a nap and/or watch bad movies. Maybe you’ll even high five a stranger in the aisle. Then, when you’re at your destination, you’ll get to have a vacation. Like a real one. No doom scrolling or anything to survive in that moment. Oh, vacations. They are awesome. They are the best thing we do and they’re coming. (And you deserve one!)
3. Going out to dinner with friends
Imagine: a dinner that doesn’t involve huddling under a heat lamp on your porch. One that absolves you from planning, cooking, and cleaning…again. (Is this day 300 of cooking or day 310 or day 1000?) We can’t wait to support my local restaurants and let someone else do the dishes.
4. Seeing things live
No poorly synced up Zoom show where the dancer is frozen and everyone is yelling, “You’re frozen!”. We’regoing to live music, live performances and live events. Whether it’s a kid’s squeaky orchestra performance or Coachella, we’re going to be dancing in the front row. . And as far as sports go, we don’t care if it’s peewee football or Steph Curry doing his thing, we plan on painting our faces and chest bumping strangers. That’s happening.
5. Helping other people
We don’t want to give a second thought to jumping out of our car and helping someone push their car out of an intersection. Or to help our elderly neighbors bring their groceries inside.
6. Work! We know
This seems like an odd mention, however a big takeaway from 2020 is that we don’t need an office to thrive. (Though we do need strong Wifi and some peace and quiet, if possible.) Of course we miss our co-workerswe genuinely like spending time with. We miss the spontaneous walks, chats and immediate gratification of yelling a question and receiving an answer across the cubicles.